Jun 22, 2013
Capital Primetime - a compilation by Adrian Horwitz: ? a Nineties Steve Bishop Breakfast Show, / a 1985 Barry Ronge Sunday Affair Show, a Kevin Savage drive show and a Capital London 1986 / Retro chart ( put together from three fragments already lying amongst the open material / on You Tube), news from Julian Potter and...
Mar 20, 2013
The Power Station - Darren Scott
September 4th 1989 - 5pm to 6:30pm
James Lorimer - marker - 00:00:41, 00:31:11, 00:59:44
Carmel Rickard reports - marker - 01:00:42
Steve Bishop - marker - 01:25:48
Richard Jones - marker - 00:41:55
Remote reporters:
Nick Peters reports
Simon Israel reports
Jean Hollic - won...
Feb 26, 2013
The Late Show presented by Phil Wright sometime in 1984 (there is a reference to the station being 5 years old). 90 Minutes of The Late Show recorded in the studio (not off Medium Wave).